AfmToPfm Release Notes

Version 1.0 Release 3, November 3, 2008.


  • Program crash on old AFM-files with no version number in StartFontMetrics line.

Version 1.0, April 26, 2007.

The first public release of the program. Version 1.0 supports files in Adobe standard and font specific encodings and recognizes PostScript glyph names specified by Adobe for Unicode encoding. The program should correctly read and convert AFM and INF files for base fonts. Copyright notice is preserved and it is copied to PFM file from AFM file. To create Extent and Kerning Pairs tables AfmToPfm uses ANSI 1252 Western Europe code page for AFM fonts with AdobeStandardEncoding. For fonts with FontSpecific encoding AfmToPfm uses current ANSI code page used by Windows. (Depends on the country and language selected in Control Panel, Regional Settings).

Known Issues:
CID-keyed AFM files, AMFM (Multiple Master Fonts) and ACFM (composite font programs) are not supported. The program will not display any warning for AFM files with IsCIDFont true keyword. This release doesn't support fonts with vertical writing direction (used for non-roman fonts, such as Japanese).

Language Specific Issues:
This release sets CharSet font property to the value specified in CharacterSet entry of AFM file (or to 0, the ANSI character set, if the entry is missing). For Symbolic fonts the CharSet property is set to 2. The CharSet property defines script name selected for the font in Windows font menus. (Character set 0 means Western script, character set 2 means Symbol script etc.). But note, that setting CharSet property to correct value for given language doesn't guarantee that the resulting Type 1 font (PFM and PFB files) will work correctly for this language. The entire design of the Type 1 font must also be correct for given language.