Tags view

The Tags view allows you to assign captions, keywords, ratings, and categories to selected images. Then you can search for images by tags in the Search Database view.

To assign ratings to selected images:

1. Select an image (or several images) in the main view.
2. Choose a rating in the Tags view.

To assign keywords to selected images:

1. Select an image (or several images) in the main view.
2. Type a keyword in the Assigned keywords: edit box and press Enter.

Note: a "keyword" is actually a keyword phrase; it may consist of one or more words.

To assign categories to selected images:

1. Select an image (or several images) in the main view.
2. Check a box for the desired category in the "Assigned Categories:" list.

Use Photo Manager to copy or move images (and folders with images) having assigned tags.

If you copy or move images and folders in Photo Manager (between the main view, and Folders view), then all assigned keywords, categories, captions, and ratings will also be copied with images.

But if you copy or move image files in Windows Explorer, then the keywords, categories, captions, and ratings you assigned to images will not be copied with image files.